  • Kjahli - Unique & Personalised Gifts

    Winter Solstice June 21st 2024

    The Winter Solstice on June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It is a significant turning point, symbolizing rebirth and the gradual return of light. This is a powerful time for reflection, setting intentions, and connecting with the natural cycles. Below are the potential effects, recommended crystals, and rituals to harness the energy of the Winter Solstice. Effects of the Winter Solstice Recommended Crystals Rituals to Perform Celebrating the Winter Solstice can be a profoundly moving experience, helping you align with natural cycles and set powerful intentions for the year ahead.

  • Kjahli - Unique & Personalised Gifts
    Full Moons

    Full Moon in Capricorn June 22nd 2024

    The full moon in Capricorn is an astrological event that typically happens when the moon is directly opposite the sun in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. The June ( Cold Moon) full moon in Capricorn will appear in the Australian Sky June 22nd 2024 just 1 day after the Winter Solsticez Key Themes and Influences Ambition and Career: Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is associated with discipline, structure, and long-term goals. During a full moon in Capricorn, there may be a heightened focus on career, ambitions, and how you approach your professional life. It’s a good time to evaluate your progress and set new goals. Practicality and Responsibility: Capricorn…

  • Kjahli - Unique & Personalised Gifts
    Full Moons,  Uncategorized

    Full Moon In Sagittarius May 23rd 2024

    The upcoming full moon in Sagittarius in May 2024 is believed to bring about a lot of positive energy and opportunities for growth and expansion. Here are some benefits and spiritual meanings associated with this moon, along with some rituals that you can perform to amplify its energy: Benefits and Spiritual Meanings: Rituals: Best Crystals For Full Moon in Sagittarius During the full moon in Sagittarius, you can enhance your rituals and tap into the energy of this moon by using certain crystals. Here are some of the best crystals to use during this time and why they are beneficial. Selenite: Selenite is known for its cleansing and purifying properties.…

  • Kjahli - Unique & Personalised Gifts

    Aromatherapy for Colds, Flu & Congestion

    The Magical Power of Aromatherapy: How Essential Oils Can Help You Fight Colds, Flu, and Congestion” Have you ever been struck by a cold or the flu and felt completely helpless? The constant sneezing, coughing, and congestion can leave you feeling drained and miserable. And let’s not forget about the endless array of over-the-counter medicines that often come with unpleasant side effects. But what if there was a natural and effective way to combat these illnesses without any negative consequences? Enter aromatherapy – the use of essential oils for healing and wellness. What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that uses essential oils extracted from plants to promote physical,…

  • Zodiac Associations


    Gemini Zodiac May 21st – June 20th The 3rd of the  12 Zodiac Signs Sign :Twins Birth Flower: Lavender  Birthstone : Moonstone or Pearl Colours: Yellow Ruled By : Mercury Element : Air Traits When it comes to the zodiac sign Gemini, there are a variety of traits that are often associated with those born under this sign. Gemini individuals are known for their curious nature and love of communication. They are also known for being adaptable, sociable, and quick-witted. One of the key characteristics of those born under the Gemini sign is their excellent communication skills. Geminis are natural communicators and are often great at expressing themselves both verbally and in…

  • Zodiac Associations


    Taurus April 20th – May 20th The 2nd of the  12 Zodiac Signs Sign :Bull Birth Flower: Poppy & Lillies Birthstone : Emerald ( Traditional & May) Diamond ( April) Colours: Green Ruled By : Venus Element : Earth Traits Intelligent , dependable, hardworking, dedicated, and stubborn. Reliable , persistent, and stable. Good listeners and very dependable.  They like routine and their own creature comforts. They are practical yet enjoy extravagance and beauty.  Crystals Emerald: Wealth and prosperity ,harmony, and balance mentally & emotionally. Enhances intuitive abilities, promotes mental clarity, and assists in decision-making processes.  Diamond: Birthstone of April. A symbol of power, courage, and truth as well as faithfulness, love, purity,…

  • Zodiac Associations


    All About Aries 21st March – 19th April The 1st of the  12 Zodiac Signs Sign :Ram Birth Flower: Tulips, Honeysuckle, Thistle, Jasmine , Rosemary  Birthstone : Diamond, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Jasper Colours: Red Ruled By : Mars Element : Fire Traits People born under this sign are often described as bold, energetic, full of vitality, charismatic, fun, lively, passionate, and driven by their hearts and desires. They are traditionalists and natural born leaders.  Aries have a warm and compassionate nature and genuinely care about other people. They light up a room and are fun to be around.  Aries find it easy to engage with others, they are direct and honest ,…

  • Zodiac Associations


    Everything you need to know about Pisces 19th February- 20th March The 12th & Last of the  Zodiac Signs Sign : 2 Fish swimming in opposite directions  Birth Flower: Daffodils & Water Lilly Birthstone : Aquamarine , Amethyst, Flourite Colours: Purple , Blue, Lilac, Mauve, Sea Green Ruled By : Neptune & Jupiter  Element : Water Traits of Pisces People born under this sign are often described as compassionate, imaginative, and intuitive. They are highly empathetic individuals who deeply understand the emotions and experiences of others. One of the key traits of Pisces is their strong sense of empathy. They have an uncanny ability to put themselves in others’ shoes and…

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