Easter Gift Hamper
Bunny garden Easter hamper design

Easter Gift Hamper


Personalised Easter Hamper for kids of all ages. Includes blanket, mug , bucket , chocolate eggs and more. Custom your hamper today.


Easter Gift Hamper

Our custom Easter Gift Hamper is a great gift for kids and of all ages.

Designs to suit both boys and girls , we can even create a custom design for you .

Personalised & custom design polar fleece blanket, personalised mug, personalised egg bauble filled with mini marshmallows , hot chocolate sachets, 3 medium eggs & 10 mini eggs all packed into a personalised gift box.

Add bubble bath , bath bombs, personalised bucket or even a personalised bunny to your hamper or order an all inclusive to receive everything above.

We can swap the chocolate, hot chocolate & marshmallows to suit dietary requirements.

When ordering enter names , design ideas, dietary requirements. Or email us your details after placing order.

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Additional information

Hamper Type

With 6oz plastic mug, With 6oz ceramic mug, With 11oz ceramic mug, With 11oz plastic mug, With bucket, With bubble bath, With shower steamers, All inclusive 6oz plastic, All inclusive 11oz plastic, All inclusive 6oz ceramic, All inclusive 11oz ceramic


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